Recent feedback from our workshop held in Reading for Reading Roadrunners running club. Thanks to all and glad you all had a good time!
Barnes – Hope all those who took part in The Running School session learnt something tonight…? Remember to use those arms and cycle those legs…
Seymour – Really enjoyed the running school, going to try to put what I learnt in to practice now! hopefully it will make me run a bit faster!
Higgs – yes was good will put it into practise tomorrow
Monaghan – Really enjoyed it. Amazing how much faster I seemed to run with less effort. So glad I attended. The mosquitos seemed to enjoy it also
Phillips – I’m still a little bit blown by how much those little adjustments can improve things. I’ve not been this motivated to get out and run in a long time!
Gumbrell – It was great! My calves complained all the way through tap tonight, so it must have been good. I’m looking forward to practicing and breaking the 10-minute mile barrier a bit more often…!
Higgs – well tried it today on run up to Soning & takes a lot out of you but once you start you cant go back as running the old way just seems wrong, but my legs feel like they have been put through a mangle & squat thrusts at kick boxing tonight were hell
Monaghan – I tried it this eve also in short bursts as part of my run. It does take it out of you but I found it did less so later on in my run so I could maintain it longer.
Higgs – didnt bother with short bursts , just went all out with it , in for a penny in for a pound , perhaps thats why I ache so bloody much
Bailey – Hi Ellie. Thought it was a brilliant evening but find it very hard to do and have to shuffle every so often!
Maslin – Ellie, will there be any further such sessons? I didnt manage to do this one and from all the comments, it sounds like its definately worth doing.
Barnes – I will never say never – watch this space!