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Ian first came to see us at The Running School to help improve his speed, for all distances including 5k's up to ultra marathons. Upon completing his Biomechanical Analysis we were able to identify that Ian's ground reaction time was slowing him down.
Thank you so much for the video - it is such a confidence boost to see the improvement! And I just feel like my running is so much more efficient and more powerful - I ran 6 miles after work last night at an average pace of 8 min/mile and previously my usual average pace before my sessions with you was around 8 1/2 min/mile so that really is great.
I was first introduced to the Running School when attending the therapy expo as a Physiotherapist in November 2016. Myself and my colleague went to see a talk on ‘gait analysis in runners’ delivered by Mike, and were instantly impressed by Mike's knowledge, reasoning and delivery.
I’d been regularly active until 2013 when, just after completing an Ironman race, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a disease where my immune system attacks my joints, and I rapidly became immobile. Once my medication started to work I was still left with fluid on my knee and fatigued but started trying to run again.
Here are some words from Mike Antoniades who worked with Donald through his rehabilitation journey: “I first saw Donald for an assessment after he had been for six weeks rehabilitation at a hospital. Like most stroke patients he had difficulties with his balance and his gait. It was 8 weeks post his stroke.
We are movement, rehabilitation & speed specialists, dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
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