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Ian first came to see us at The Running School to help improve his speed, for all distances including 5k's up to ultra marathons. Upon completing his Biomechanical Analysis we were able to identify that Ian's ground reaction time was slowing him down. Spending too long on the floor resulted in him overstriding which caused him to break a lot, which was very inefficient. Once we taught Ian to use his posterior chain correctly and spend less time on the ground his speed picked up immediately, breaking his 10k PB to run under 39:00 minutes and he was able to take 17 minutes off his marathon PB to run the Edinburgh marathon in 2:50.
"From 5kms to 100miles, running has always been something I would just do, never thinking about the mechanics of how it was done. As my goals changed to achieving time goals, I found that I began to struggle to know what levers to pull to go quicker. 300SPM cadence just isn't a thing! I worked with The Running School to better inform my running techniques, and develop skills to improve how I run and how to be more efficient. The result of this was a 17-minute marathon PB of 2:50 at the Edinburgh marathon. I am now focusing on my 5 km time!"
We are movement, rehabilitation & speed specialists, dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
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